Harry's Lawncare

Welcome to Harry's Lawncare

We Provide Garden
Maintenance & Landscaping Services

Grass Cutting & Lawncare

We have Over 10 Years Experience Grass Cutting and have the Equiment to tackle any Size from Small Gardens to the Largest Fields!


Garden & Grounds Maintenance

This can Include Grass Areas, Patios, Pathways, Driveways, Borders, Shrub Trimming, Hedge & Tree Trimming, Weeding, Planting and Anything else your Space requires

Harry's Fencing & Gates

We Clear the Area for New Fencing, Demolish Old Fencing or Walls and take all Waste Away


Our Latest Lawn Care Projects

How can we help you?

Let’s embark on a journey together to optimize your Lawn and achieve lasting peace. Contact us today to explore!

General inquiries

0161 478 1946



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